Wednesday, 11 June 2008


A florula is a small flora; that is a description of the plants present in a small area. The purpose of this blog is to document the plants I observe growing wild in the next town to the east of the town in which I live.

This used it be an urban district, and is now part of a larger borough. The boundary of the area can conveniently by taken as the administrative boundary on three sides, and a dual carriageway to the south.

The area is mostly urban, but there is a large, mostly informal, in the park, and a large area of farmland to the west (which however is not an area I visit).

There will be gaps in the florula, at least until I educate myself on additional groups of plants. For the time being I will restrict the scope to seed plants. I will not attempt to disentangle the Cardamine pratensis, Rubus fruticosus and Taraxacum officinalis aggregates. Although I have now cracked Veronica there remain other genera in which I have difficulty distinguishing species, including Cerastium, Chenopodium, Rosa, Rumex, Salix, Stellaria, the medick/trefoil group, the mayweed/chamonile group, yellow-flowered crucifers, and several genera of cichorioid daisies.

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